Project Owner: Town of Paradise Valley
Project Type: Construction Manager at Risk
Construction Dates: 05/17 to 08/21
This project included the construction of multiple distinct roadways within the Town of Paradise Valley. The majority of the roadways were adjacent to the Five Star Development Ritz Carlton project, which is also under construction.
GMP 1 included the widening of Lincoln Drive at Tatum Boulevard to accommodate the addition of a westbound deceleration/right turn lane and a second westbound left turn lane. Also included in the scope of the project was landscaping, the construction of a new decorative stucco wall, relocation of a water service, traffic signal modifications, paving, sidewalk, curb and gutter, landscaped median modifications, signing, striping, and a driveway.
Project Completion Celebration
GMP 2 included roadway and wet utility improvements to Lincoln Drive, Mockingbird Lane, and Indian Bend Road near and adjacent to the Ritz Carlton development. Improvements included storm drain, sewer, new City of Phoenix water lines on Mockingbird Lane and Indian Bend Road, signal modifications to the intersection of Lincoln and Mockingbird, a new signalized intersection at Lincoln and Quail Run, new ITS conduits, median modifications, cut‐and‐patch pavement to accommodate the early underground work, grading and paving (full roadway reconstruction), concrete flatwork, salvage and replanting of select existing mature trees and cacti, new landscaping and irrigation, meandering sidewalks, signing, striping, construction of a roundabout for traffic calming at Indian Bend and Mockingbird, and improvements to the frontage along Lincoln Medical Plaza and Smoketree Resort. Total quantities included more than 30,000 SY of pavement and more than 8,100 LF of wet utilities.
2022 Build Arizona Award - Arizona Chapter Associated General Contractors