Project Owner: City of Phoenix
Project Type: Job Order Contracting
Construction Dates: 06/19 to 06/24
Achen-Gardner is provided the support services required to shut down, dewater, assess, and start-up large diameter water transmission mains (42” and larger) throughout the City of Phoenix. Our work was completed within a fixed time frame by following a MOPO (Maintenance of Plant Operations) with strict attention to detail. We completed four Job Orders (JOs).
We inspected a 4,400-foot-long, 48” diameter section of Scenario 21, a PCCP transmission main. This section runs under the Salt River and could not be dewatered so the team, including design engineering firm Black & Veatch, utilized a robotic electromagnetic inspection tool which can crawl through full pipelines. The team used the 1080p camera and electromagnetic sensors to assess the pipe and discover any wire breaks.
Click here to view our 2016-2019 Water Main Inspection and Assessment JOC project.