Project Owner: Town of Carefree and Carefree Water Company
Project Type: Construction Manager at Risk
Construction Dates: 02/22 to 12/22

This project allowed the Town of Carefree to expand Carefree Water services to more than 20% of Carefree residents who were previously being furnished potable water by the Town of Cave Creek. It was the largest utility project that Carefree Water has ever constructed and the Town’s first use of the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) delivery method.

Our work included the installation of more than 24,000 LF of water line (16”, 12”, 8”, 6”, and 4”), 36 valves (16”, 12”, 8”, 6”, and 4”), four pressure reducing valves (12”, 10”, and 6”), improvements to a booster pump station, and the construction of a new water reservoir near the Boulders Resort and Spa. Water line installation included two jack and bore operations.

Booster pump station work consisted of the complete rehabilitation of the City’s Peaceful Place Booster Pump Station. This included demolition of the two existing pumps, electrical, controls, hydro tank, and a portion of the site wall. The station was expanded and a new wall constructed to house five new pumps, electrical service, controls, and a hydro tank. The existing generator has been relocated and put back in service. During construction, a temporary pump skid was operating to keep water flowing to residents and an existing sewer lift station located at the site was kept in service.

The reservoir site included the construction of a brand new 300,000 gallon, partially buried pre-stressed concrete reservoir along with associated site work, electrical, controls, and chlorine doing equipment. The site was designed to limit the visual impact of the reservoir and includes decorative fencing and native desert landscaping.


2024 Public Works Project of the Year - Arizona Chapter American Public Works Association
2024 Build Arizona Award - Arizona Chapter Associated General Contractors
2024 Engineering Excellence Award - American Council of Engineering Companies of Arizona

2024 Public Works Project of the Year Award Video