2021-2025 Job Order Master Agreement: Wastewater Conveyance System and Related Facilities Maintenance, Repair, Rehabilitation & Construction Services
Project Owner: Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (RWRD)
Delivery Method: Job Order Contracting
Construction Dates: 10/21 to 06/25
The Pima County Wastewater Conveyance System JOC project involves the repair/upgrade of existing facilities by varying methods including: remove/replace existing sewer pipe, Heat/Felt CIPP Rehabilitation, Ultraviolet Light Cured-In-Place Pipe (UV CIPP) Rehabilitation, UV CIPP point repairs, rehabilitate existing manholes, frame and cover adjustments, construct new manholes, odor control equipment installation, and booster pump station rehabilitation and new construction. Total quantities to date for this contract include more than 24,000 LF of UV CIPP lining, 6,000 LF of bypass piping, 100 manhole collars, 100 bench rehabilitations, and 2,200 SY of pavement.
As part of this contract, we self-performed the UV CIPP rehabilitation of sewer line next to the Northwest Medical Center. We also self-performed the management, setup, and operation of bypass using our pumps and piping. We accommodated access for emergency medical services as we rehabilitated the pipeline in front of the entrance to the ER.
We are working on multiple job orders on and adjacent to the University of Arizona (U of A) campus. This work includes more than 1,000 LF of 8” CIPP, more than 800 LF of HDPE bypass, multiple vactor bypasses, 1 new manhole, 22 new collars, and 18 bench rehabilitations at multiple locations including:
South of Arizona Stadium on 6th St.
Through U of A facilities directly north of the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship.
Directly south of Arizona Stadium on 7th St.
Directly south of Arizona Stadium and University of Arizona Office of Sustainability.
Directly south of the U of A Poetry Center.
Through the courtyard of the U of A College of Nursing.
Through U of A Housing/Apartments.
South of the U of A Recreation Center.
We recently finished a large-diameter UVCIPP wastewater sewer project in Tucson for our Pima County JOC. Using Reline America AlphaLiner technology, we rehabilitated 1,290’ of 30” and 531’ of 33” sanitary sewer lines with materials that will be sustainable for decades to come. These improvements added the structural stability the client needed amid the construction of another project in close proximity.
Our previous work on this contract includes: