Dove Valley Waterline: 56th to 64th Street
Project Owner: City of Scottsdale
Project Type: Construction Manager at Risk
Construction Dates: 05/22 to 11/22
This project included the replacement of more than 7,200 LF of water line (12”) and 31 valves (6”, 8”, and 12”) and installation of more than 7,000 LF of dual 2” ITS fiber conduit and pull boxes on Dove Valley Road from 56th Street to the pressure reducing station between 66th Street and 67th Street. Due to the location of one segment of the water line in front of Cactus Shadows High School, it was critical to complete this portion of work during the school’s 2022 summer break, while minimizing impacts to traffic and the many other critical stakeholders in this area.
Managing public relations was a key factor in achieving positive community response on this project. We worked directly with the City of Scottsdale’s Public Information Officer to communicate with all stakeholders and address any questions or concerns and providing a 24/7 hotline number.
One of the main challenges on this project was the construction of the water line through the roundabout at Dove Valley Road and 60th Street. This roundabout is a major point of access for the Lone Mountain community to the south and the Cactus Shadows High School and Cave Creek Unified School District facilities to the north. We worked with the City and community to coordinate access and identify alternate access routes.
We also communicated extensively with Maricopa County and City of Phoenix, whose jurisdictions border the project area.