Water and Wastewater Distribution
Project Owner: Town of Queen Creek
Delivery Method: Job Order Contracting
Construction Dates: 09/23 to 09/28
This JOC project includes water and wastewater improvements and related services at various locations throughout the Town of Queen Creek.
Job Order 1: The Schnepf Road Water Main – Combs Road to Hash Knife (Phase 1) project included the installation of more than 1,300 LF of new 16" PVC C909 waterline and 350 LF of new 20” fused HDPE water line that will enhance water connectivity and support future developments in the corridor. Staying on schedule was critical as Achen-Gardner crews completed their work ahead of a Pinal County project to widen Combs Road to five lanes. At the north end of this waterline project, the new water line tied into an existing water line south of the intersection of Combs Road and Schnepf Road. There is an existing 30" New Magma Irrigation & Drainage District (NMIDD) RGRCP irrigation pipe crossing at Horse Mesa Trail that will require a vertical realignment of the new water line to avoid conflict. This will be achieved by directional drilling more than 350 LF of 20" fused HDPE pipe underneath the NMIDD facility. On the south end of the project, the new 16" PVC water line will be tied into an existing 12" waterline at Mountain Springs Pass.